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factory containers (bottle type) for drinks is three types of raw material for production (Stainless Steel, Black Oxide and bright white PVC).
packing line in the bottles come in pairs at random, it requires a couple Stainless Steel - Black Oxide Finish is marked as the pair metallic containers and PVC - Stainless steel is marked as combination packagings.
Use the appropriate sensors to detect the materials and send the information to the parallel port of the PC for processing and marking actions for the actuators.
must be borne in mind that sometimes the pallet does not contain one or two containers so you have to trigger an alarm to be removed. Should be identified with a career switch to the presence of the pallet.
a) .- Make the truth table.
b) .- Draw the block diagram
c) .- To the flow diagram, circuit and program to control this part of the process.