Sunday, June 15, 2008

Flip Mino Second Vs. Third Generation

LOPD "Free? Security failure

alleged fraudulent deals circulating regarding the adequacy of SMEs to data protection legislation English ( LOPD). It seems that certain groups receive free customized proposals, camouflaging LOPD consultancy in through the allegedly improper use of training credits, confusing the public-owned files with private ownership, and a long list of inconsistencies. Unless the Tripartite Foundation has changed its approach, this type of consultancy is not subsidized, only training. Also, is allegedly misleading advertising, so "free", because in the unlikely event that the consultancy is eligible for what would happen to those companies that have exhausted the training credit? Appropriateness of the Law on Protection Free Data? Finally, study well the offers you receive and if you're in an organization that represents a collective, take care even more (illustration by A. Perez, source MEC).


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