The natural order of things. Something to think .. Coat Cayastacito
In a fellowship dinner in the Club CILSA of the city of Santa Fe, which brings especially to friends and family children with special abilities, the parent of one of these guys gave a speech that will never be forgotten by those who heard it.
After congratulate and celebrate the institution and all who work and for her, the father made the following reasoning:
- 'When no external agents that interfere with nature, the natural order of things reaches perfection. But my child can not learn like other kids do it. You can not understand things as other kids. Where is the natural order of things in my son?
The audience was stilled by the query. The boy's father continued:
- 'I think que cuando un niño como Facundo, física y mentalmente discapacitado viene al mundo, una oportunidad de ver la verdadera naturaleza humana se presenta, y se manifiesta en la forma en la que, otras personas tratan a ese niño.'
Entonces contó que un día caminaba con su hijo, por la vereda de un pequeño club de barrio, donde, tras un alambrado, algunos chicos jugaban al fútbol;
...Y Facundo le preguntó:
-¿Crees que me dejen jugar?
...El padre sabía que a la mayoría de los muchachitos nos les gustaría que alguien como Facundo jugara en su equipo, pero también entendió que si le permitían jugar a su hijo, le darían un sentido membership and much needed confidence to be accepted by others in spite of their special abilities.
income then, through an opening of the fence, and when (within the party) approached them to where they stood, the boy who had worn tape captain one team, the father asked (not expecting much) if Facundo, could play ... The boy looked around as if looking for someone to advise him and said:
_ 'We're losing by two to one ... And the party has left about fifteen minutes ... I guess you can join our group and try to alternate between a time before the end. " Facundo
moved with difficulty to 'the bench 'and a broad smile, put on a team shirt, sweaty and abandoned on the ground replaced by a player who, off the court, was rubbing a swollen ankle. Facundo
While sitting among the group of waiting for their chance to play, his father watched.
The other boys noticed something very clear: the father's joy at his son being accepted.
When five minutes to complete the match, the team managed to tie the game Facundo, with a real 'shot' from the midfield, who surprised the goalkeeper to come dazzled on the sunny side, then the afternoon was ... There were some
moments when there was another remarkable fact: poor delivery of an opponent's defense allowed the front center 'Facundo team' get the ball in the area and he was about to define many possibilities, the defense, overshadowed by his unfortunate previous move , the 'swept' from behind, the referee awarded without hesitation
- Criminal! Penaaal about time ...!
Amid the celebrations of the equipment heated by the incomparable opportunity to win and 'about time! " the traditional opponent, was the center front, primary caregiver to kick penalty kicks, barely able to stand by a strong blow. It was there that
the boy with the tape of Captain called the group of players who deliberated on the maximum penalty kick and told them all loudly and pointing to Facundo:
- We alternate between the best team kicker criminal ! We have a change!
And turning to the referee said:
- I go!. And he enters the penalty kick!
The referee allowed the relief of the players, amid the surprise of the rest of the team, while the Captain was heading Facundo, sitting dazed on the edge of the field. He reached his hand, shook hands with y. .. at a stretch him to his feet, he gave a little hug and when he walked away casually, turned and shouted:
- Suerte! ...
Facundo, obviously ecstatic just to be in the game and in the field, grinning from ear to ear.
His father waved to him from a little further in his head while a whirlwind of questions were released without control: _'con this juncture, do let him kick and gave up the chance to win the match?! "
Surprisingly, Facundo entered the field. Its difficult
desmarañada pasitos and figure, said all players in the field that an accurate shot by Facundo was impossible. That would have been a theoretical expert in soccer, everyone realized that he could not, perhaps, to get the ball to the goal.
However, as he stood in front of the ball located in the circle, a dozen paces from the opposing goalkeeper, Facundo's father thought how nice it would be ... the other team ... willing ... to lose ... to allow your child to have a great time in your life! Facundo
moved a few steps forward and hit the ball very gently. The goalkeeper, who obviously knew the address had the ball, rushed to that side ... but as to 'remove' from the top of the arch angle! ... entered just as the ball rolled under his body ... Line and trasponía of gooool!
validated the referee whistled so much and ending the game. Facundo, with his arms up, overflowing with happiness, turned his head at his father ... as players of both teams cheered and embraced as the hero who became the goal that gave his country's soccer championship ...
- 'That day', said the father, 'the boys from both teams helped, giving the world a piece of real, warm and pristine human love. "
'Love and greatness are also part of the natural order of things. " Facundo
not survive another summer.
died that winter ... not forgetting ever, have been a hero ... and having made his father very happy ...
PD: We send thousands of jokes by email, without thinking twice, but when we get a message like this, about life choices, we hesitate to resend ... perhaps you are considering as well ... but think that your contacts are 'appropriate' for such messages. Who sent it, is that together we can make a difference ... We have thousands of opportunities every day ... to help you make 'the natural order of things' How about we take ...?
A wise man once said:
'Every society is judged by how it treats the least fortunate. "
Good Life! Alicia
CardozoDpto. Institutional Relations
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