BDII ER Diagrams: Second year of MySQL
Within a database called COMPANY (tables employees, suppliers and branch), do the following MySQL: Build
tables: EMPLOYEE
(EMPLOYEEIDNO, name, experience, profession , salary, cod_sucursal), being EMPLOYEEIDNO the primary key and cod_sucursal the foreign.
SUPPLIER (RIF, nombre_prov, city, cod_sucursal), with RIF the primary key and cod_sucursal the foreign. BRANCH
(cod_sucursal, nombre_sucursal, cant_empleados, city), being cod_sucursal the primary key. Show
sorted alphabetically by name of employees who work in Caracas.
city for each registered branch count the number of existing branches. Show
name, salary and employee code whose name begins with A, B and G.
Show the number of employees assigned to each registered branch. Show
employee data that have not been assigned to any branch.
Add a column called by the EMPLOYEE table . Assign a value for each case.
value for each position available, show the maximum salary earned by employees. Show
data provider with offices in Caracas that have employees registered with pay between 1000 and 2000 Bs.F
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