UML exercises: Exercises
Management reviews
Teachers Course Database of a faculty decided to create a database containing information on the results of the tests to students. To make the design
know that:
• Students are defined by their No registration, name and the group attending class.
· These students perform two types of tests throughout the academic year:
1. Exams written: Each student makes several along the way, and are defined by the No review, the number of questions that make up and the date of issue (the same for all students taking the same test). Obviously it is important to store the note of each student for review.
2. Practice: performed an unspecified number of them during the academic year, some will be in groups and other individuals. Defined by a code of practice, title, and the degree of difficulty. In this case the students can be examined from any practice whenever they want, debiƩndose store the date and grade obtained. If the practice has taken place in the group, all students in a same group get the same note on the practice.
• In terms of teachers, just want to know (other than your personal data (ID and name), who designed what, every practice, knowing that the design of a practice may work more than one and one teacher can design more than a practice. interesting, also the date on which each practice has been designed by the teacher concerned.
Car Dealer
A car dealer wants to computerize the management of vehicle sales. In particular they have cached information regard to customers who buy at the dealership, vehicles sold, as well as vendors that perform the various sales.
This should take into account the following points:
• The dealer has a catalog of vehicles described by make, model, engine capacity and price.
• Each one of the models have some additional options (air conditioning, metallic paint, etc.). The options are defined by a name and description. Keep in mind that an option may be common to several models varying only the price in each case.
• In terms of customers, relevant information is the name, ID number, address and telephone, as well as for sellers.
Customers will be giving your used car when buying a new vehicle. The car used is defined by make, model, registration and appraisal price. It is important to know the date on which the client performs this assignment.
· We want to know which vendor has sold what model to which client. Also the date of sale and registration of new vehicle and, if appropriate, the license plate used as part payment delivered. It is likewise important to know the options that the client has chosen for the model you purchase.
Summer Camps
camp organizers Summer asked us to design a database to collect data from the camp next summer. We talked to them, and we obtained the following specifications: The camp
accommodate children between 10 and 14 years. Each child interested in attending will open a registration form which contains your name, age, address, parents name a contact number and who is studying education (primary or ESO).
When summer arrives, the children who are enrolled in primary school will be housed in cabins while children are enrolled ESO will be staying in tents. These tents and cabins have different numbers of seats. In addition, once you close the registration period will be teams of children to perform in a team the activities in the camp.
A activity of a group will be guided by a monitor. To this end, the camp has a group of monitors and a set of planned activities so that each group will never repeat business, monitor the same activity will never lead to two different groups and a group two activities will never make the same monitor.
When the date is fixed early in camp organizers will contact the monitors to communicate together with activities to develop and that groups have to develop them. Also at this time will be announced from lists obtained from the database and to indicate for each child, the group has been assigned and the tent or hut in which they hosted.
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