ROLL (Network of Civil Society Organizations Digital Argentina) proposes the construction of a digital agenda to bridge the digital divide in the Knowledge Society. In turn, promotes the development of a knowledge society-oriented integrated development, social, political, economic and humans in Argentina, understood as a company whose motor development is the generation, use and equitable use of knowledge by of all social sectors. A society in which knowledge-based services comprise the core structure of the new economy, and in which information and knowledge through networks facilitated by the flow of information and communication technologies (ICTs), constituting a factor integral development for the whole of society.
medium-term objectives
- Build Events to reflect and make proposals on the process of the World Summit on Information Society and the period after it. Ensure
- WSIS thematic diversity to encompass instances and dimensions of the SI in all its complexity. Implement
- Observatory of the Information Society in Argentina
Agree recommendations to policymakers and strategies of the Information Society. Constitute - interlocutor for the state as refers to strategies and policies for the Information Society.
- To be a proactive agent to defend the interests of Argentina Civil Society at the regional and international bodies dealing with Information Society.
- Write and publish documents on the state of development of different areas of the Information Society. Generate
- studies and projects on various theoretical and practical aspects of the Information Society.
- summon the various Civil Society organizations built around ICT to discuss and establish positions on these issues and strengthen the civil sector strategies.
The full document is available on the websites of the respective institutions: Argentina CABASE Camera Database and Satellite Services. CESSI Chamber of Software and Computer Services CICOMRA Chamber of Information and Communications of Argentina ROLL Digital NGOs Network of Argentina (Download paper here)
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