Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Liver Pain How Does It Feel


The following link you have the correct ways in which they can upload / include actors of our PT or TS.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Respiration Lab Answers

Actors on the European front of Martin Becerra

The war for the Google Books project moves into the EU - Berlin opposes the deal with the software giant - The Commission discussed the matter on Monday
A. Setting / D. Alandete - Madrid / Washington - 04/09/2009

The battle for the future marketing of the rights of digitized books also being waged in Europe. The agreement millionaire for the scanning of books signed in 2008 between editors and authors of the United States and Google has sparked a fierce debate now on this side of the Atlantic

The battle for the future of marketing rights also digitized books being waged in Europe. The agreement millionaire for the scanning of books signed in 2008 between editors and authors of the United States and Google has sparked a fierce debate now on this side of the Atlantic. That deal must still be approved (October 7) in New York federal Judge Denny Chin.

For some, the draft Google Books will be a de facto monopoly of the browser on the electronic exploitation of millions of works. For others, a precious opportunity to disseminate knowledge across the globe.

The European Commission in Brussels on Monday convened a meeting to discuss in detail the impact of this intricate legal mechanism that involves the creation of a universal register of deeds. Through this mechanism to regulate the distribution worldwide of money generated by future sales online. Much of that money would end up in the hands of the software giant, and how much the authors and publishers. At the moment the mechanism is limited to the United States. The deadline for authors and publishers exclude themselves of that pact expires today.

In Europe, Germany is a leading voice among the critics. Berlin believes that the covenant is contrary to its laws and government initiatives to create global digital libraries, non-commercial, as is the case of Europeana, the European digitization project. "We hope the court rejects the agreement or at least remove the same authors and German publishers, said Tuesday the Germanic Minister of Justice Brigitte Zypries. Berlin has sent a letter to New York judge who is investigating the case. The German government's reaction corresponds to the suspicion that the agreement has raised among the intellectuals of that country, which last April signed the call Heidelberg Manifesto.

The German government has been the only one so far in opposing the agreement. While in France, the National Library, locomotive to the date of Europeana, the respectable surprised a few days ago announcing its intention to cooperate with Google. The French Government has given a deadline of two months to decide whether to give his placet to cooperation.

About thirty major libraries worldwide, including several English, and digitize their funds within the Google program. The latest to express interest in joining the project has been the Library of Florence (Italy). It will be a senior member of the Italian Culture Ministry who should say if you start scanning, the software giant's hand, than 300,000 works ranging from 400 to 1870.

Within the EU, the Google project has the sympathy of the Commissioner for Information Society and Media, Viviane Reding. "I understand the fears of many European publishers and libraries about the power of Google in the market, but also share the frustration of many Internet companies that would like to offer interesting business models in this field and can not by fragmentation of the European legal system" said Reding at a conference in July.

In Spain the government ... Do not know answers. Nor has there been mobilization similar to that of German intellectuals. "I do not know if lack of interest. Perhaps there are countries where they are more organized," said Magdalena Vintent telephone, president of the International Federation of Organizations of Copyright Management, who also heads CEDRO, the English branch of that organization. Vintent, who will come to Brussels, stressed that these agencies are informing their partners (authors and publishers) the contents of the agreement. They are also trying to ensure that those who want to unsubscribe or make further financial claims can.

The head of the search engine Google Book España y Portugal, Luis Collado, insiste en que el pacto de Estados Unidos no supone exclusividad. "Cualquier otro particular puede firmar un acuerdo similar", señala. Collado subraya que es necesario separar lo que está ocurriendo en EE UU del proyecto general de Google para la digitalización de libros. "Son dos cosas distintas. La cuestión, en Europa, es qué hacer con todos esos libros que están fuera del ámbito comercial". No obstante, Google nunca ha negado su intención de extender a Europa el modelo estadounidense, si se dan las condiciones.

El tira y afloja iniciado hace tiempo en EE UU (el gigante informático comenzó su gigantesca empresa hace cinco años) se ha convertido, más However, in an "all against Google." The latest company to join the chorus of critics of the deal is Amazon. This immense online store has launched this week in court a petition to Judge Denny Chin, who is investigating the case, stop the deal because it considers "high-tech version of those pacts loft that feed the nightmares monopoly. "

Amazon, along with the other two major rivals Google in the online search market, Yahoo and Microsoft, a member of the Open Book Alliance, a group created last month to channel opposition to Google Book Search. In this initiative have been joining all kinds of organizations, from the Association New York Library to the main group of science fiction writers, they belong to some 1,500 authors.

Today is the deadline for filing claims in the case is considering Judge Chin, who must decide whether to give final approval to the agreement. Google is committed to pay 90 million euros to publishers in exchange for the right to scan books. Under the proposal, the company would offer free books scanned in libraries and charge for full access to these volumes in the network, paying a large percentage of their profits to the authors. In addition, the agreement is not exclusive, so other companies could agree similar.

Writers Association came out yesterday in support of Google. In an open letter criticized the "breathtaking hypocrisy" of Amazon, a company that gives you almost total control and tight market of online books. "Amazon does not need to worry about, really: this deal is on the books that are out of print. The control of online distribution of books in print, unfortunately, seems assured."

Figures 'online'
- 20% of the funds that Google offers online is subject to copyright. The company has seven million books scanned.

- Google Books and has works in over 100 languages.

- More than 600 publishers have authorized CEDRO English, English bank management of reproduction rights, to negotiate on their behalf with Google. Make up 80% of the market.

- In Spain, in 2007, the latest year with data, some 200 publishers of nearly 900 associated with the federation (FGRE) published works in formats other than paper. Is 10.5% of annual turnover. In law, the digital format than 55% of turnover.

Source: www.elpais.com

Friday, September 4, 2009

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Opinion on the new media law

If you want to know the opinion of the chair holder Martín Becerra, on the new media law to be punished, you should read the following opinion piece by By Victoria Linari, looks to the south.
I stay with the teacher the following sentence: "Nobody can overlook that this society is shaped by the current media system, and prevent such a system becomes apparent complicity with the current status of operation."
Is he right? I invite you to debate

To read the note: www.gacemail.com.ar

Emily Dickinson Avoidant Personality

"The cloud brings rain? Basics

guys, then have a very interesting note I sent cable TEA Imagen. It is a note of the Nation in which we talk about what we were seeing the first class on "tag data" is on the network and we do not know much.
I advise you read it, it will be useful to know more or less how the system works.
To avoid overloading the page and see the note in another window should link here

Note 1




Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Magnavox Dvd Recorder Dvr

to write a tuft

Boys, as seen in the class, I pass an example how the work should go.
Always remember you have to answer the 5 w (What, When, Where, Who, How), ie at 5 Q plating journalism.
So when we ask:
WHAT? It refers to what happened.
WHEN? Refers to the date.
WHERE? Refers to the place.
WHO? Refers to the subject / obejto the news.
HOW? Refers to how it happened, how it was.

Remember to always put in BOLD and should always cite the source, otherwise the work will be wrong. IMPORTANT

Example: Title

Strong rejection of "technology tax hike" Tuft

The Government sent, on 8 April, the National Congress A bill to raise the value added tax (VAT) on electronic products that are manufactured outside of Tierra del Fuego. However, the Chamber of Deputies does not treat until after June 28. The initiative is considered unconstitutional and harmful to the users and buyers as well as several provinces of Argentina.

Source: www.infobae.com

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sudden Onset Red Palms

do and what not in a TS

The following work was performed by a aumna in 2008. Work is good, but using too many quotes and does not explain with words, the same applies when talking about the theory. While providing the look and concepts that were explained there is a loaded text of Quotations. This work was
would lack captions, the more interpretation, more related to other authors such as Williams, for example. TS
In calling a close relationship with authors and personal interpretation.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ho Scale Sonic Drive In


then have the sub-allocation table that provided the chair . Each student, once you complete your registration on the official website of the Chair in particular sub-item will then need to relate to the financial crisis and the relevant literature.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Oovoo Doesnt Recognize Camera

History of Communication, Raymond Williams

Here are the complete book of Raymond Williams.
IMPORTANT: CHAPTER TO READ IS THE 4 (FOUR) whose pages are from 182 to 210.

History of Communication

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cartoon Maxine And Good Health

Conversations, Gilles Deleuze

Deleuze Postscript Soc Contro

What Can I Put On A Brizillian

Style Manual

Style Manual

How To Fix Ptosis In Adults No Surgery

Evolution of ICT and its impact on leisure

Here you can read a report from Gabriel Mateu on the evolution of Information Technology and Communications. Tics Evolution
Mateu 20081

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

List Combination Calculator

then let them literature of matter.
Disclaimer: The links it to appear are short and redirect directly to the site where the item.
If you want to see the full link must press the right mouse button on the link and click on properties.

a. Compulsory literature:

Albornoz, Luis (2003), "The press on line: greater pluralism with questions" in Bustamante, Enrique (coord), Towards a new global communication system. Cultural industries in the digital age, Gedisa, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bp. 111-138.

Becerra, Martin (2000), "From divergence to convergence in society Informational: strengths and weaknesses of an unfinished social process "in Zer No. 8, Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, p. 93-112.

Beltran, Ricardo (2007) "The risk of discriminatory Internet," in Centre 5 - Cultural Industries of the City of Buenos Aires Cultural Industries Observatory of the City of Buenos Aires, the City Government of Buenos Aires. Available online at: http://estatico.buenosaires.gov.ar

Busaniche, Beatriz (2005), "Ideas and things: the wealth of ideas and the dangers of polización", in: A Patented world? The privatization of life and knowledge, Heinrich Böll Foundation, El Salvador, p. 68-82. Available in www.boell-latinoamerica.org

Bustamante, Enrique (2003), "Digital television: very national globalization process," in Bustamante, Enrique (coord), Towards a new global communication system. Cultural industries in the digital age, Gedisa, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bp. 167-206.

Castells, Manuel (1995), The informational city: information technology, economic restructuring and urban-regional process, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 504 p (mainly Introduction and Chapter 1).

Chaparro Enrique (2004), "The" government "of the Internet", mimeo, Fundacion Via Libre, Buenos Aires, published in www.vialibre.org.ar

World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) (2004 ) Declaration of Principles: Building the Information Society: a global challenge for the new millennium, Geneva, mimeo, paper WSIS-03/GENEVA/4-S, 10 p.

Flichy, Patrice (1993), A history of modern communication: The public and private life, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b260 p.

Heinz, Federico (2007) "Free Software and proprietary software," in Artificial monopolies on goods Intangibles, Buenos Aires, Fundación Vía Libre. Available online at: www.vialibre.org.ar

Katz, Claudio (1998), "The tangle of networks," in Voices and Cultures No. 14, Voices and Cultures, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bp. 123-140. Available in katz.lahaine.org

Kurbalija, Jovan and Eduardo Gelbstein (2005), Internet Governance: Issues, actors and gaps, DiploFoundation and Global Knowledge Society Publishers, Malta, 160 p. Available in textus.diplomacy.edu

Lessig, Lawrence (1998), Laws of Cyberspace, Taiwan Net '98 conference, mimeo, Taipei, published in www.uned.es
William and Carolina Aguerre (2007), "Many problems, few voices. The regulation of communication in the XXI century ", Political enDiálogo Year XXIV - No. 3, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung AC, available at www.kas.de

Maldonado, Thomas (2007), Memory and Knowledge: on destinations in the perspective of knowledge digial, Gedisa, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b311 p. Chapter 2: Talking, writing, reading.

Mattelart, Armand (2002), History of the Information Society, Polity Press, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b193 p. Chapter 6: The global information society: a geopolitical stake.

Miguel de Bustos, Juan (2004), "Cultural industries: internet, finance, free, prices" Crovi Druetta, Delia (ed.), Information Society and Knowledge: Between false and what is possible, the hull, Buenos Aires, p. 25-298.

Nora, Simon and Alain Minc (1980), Computerization of society, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 244 p.

Punie, Yves, Jean-Claude Burgelman, Marc Bogdnowicz (2002), "The future of media industries, factors of change and possible scenarios for 2005 and beyond," in Telos magazine No 53, October-December, Fundación Telefónica , Madrid, p. 101-111.

Siri Laura (2008), "How much information is in the world?" In Wire: information, communication, culture No. 1 (March 2008), Bueos Aires. Available in www.revistaalambre.com

Smies, Joost (2006), A world without copyright, arts and media in globalization, Gedisa, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b383 p. Chapter 7, "A rule in favor of cultural diversity"

WSIS Civil Society (2003), "Building Information socidades that meet human needs, civil society statement to the World Summit on the Information Society Information, Geneva, mimeo, 27 p.

Stallman, Richard (2005), "The GNU project" and in: A World patented? The privatization of life and conocimieto, Heinrich Böll Foundation, El Salvador, p. 160-177. Available in www.boell-latinoamerica.org

Williams, Raymond (ed), History of communication, editorial Bosch, Barcelona. p. 182-210. Available in d.scribd.com

b. Optional literature:

Azpiazu, Daniel, Eduardo Basualdo and Nochteff Hugo (1988), The technological revolution and hegemonic policies, Legasa, Buenos Aires, 278 p.

Azpillaga, Patxi, Juan Carlos Miguel and Ramon Zallo (1998), "The cultural industries in the informational economy. Evolution of its working and recovery "in Mastrini William and César Bolaño (1999), Globalization and communication monopolies in Latin America, Biblos, Buenos Aires, p. 61-81.

Becerra, Martin (2003), The Information Society: project, convergence, divergence, Editorial Norma, Buenos Aires, 153 p. Online at Dsicponible www.ehu.es

Bustamante, Enrique (2002, "New Frontiers of public service and its role in the global public space" in Beneyto Vidal, José (ed.), The global window, Taurus , Madrid, p. 181-193.

Castells, Manuel (1997), The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Vol 1: The network society, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 590 p.

European Commission (1994), Europe and the global information society (Bangemann Report), Recommendations to the European Council, European Commission, Brussels, 35 p.

European Commission (1997), Green Paper on the convergence of telecommunications, media and information technologies and their implications for regulation in the context of the Information Society, European Commission, Brussels, 45 p.

De Charro Diego (2006), Networks, bubbles and promises. Prometeo, Buenos Aires.

Ford, Hannibal (1999), The mark of the beast. Identification, inequalities and infotainment in contemporary society, Norma, Buenos Aires, 322 p.

García Canclini, Néstor (2004), different, disparate and disconnected: maps of multiculturalism, Gedisa, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b223 p.

García Canclini, Néstor (2001), "Why legislate on cultural industries in New Society No 175, Nueva Sociedad, Caracas.

Mariño, Miguel (2005), "New forms of work organization in the media: Utopia or Reality "in Trípodos (Extra 2005): The digital utopia in the media: from discourses to facts. A balance, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bp. 611-622.

Mattelart, Armand (1998), The globalization of communication, Polity Press, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b127 p.

McChesney, Robert (2002), "Political Economy of the media and information industries in a globalized world", in Beneyto Vidal, Joseph (director), the global window, Taurus, Madrid, p. 233-247.

Mosco, Vincent. (1986), electronic Fantasies, Polity Press, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b253 p.

Palomino, Hector (2000), "Labour and social theory: classical concepts and contemporary trends", Paper presented at the conference ALAST, mimeo, Buenos Aires, 30 p.

UNESCO (1980), One World, Many Voices. Communication and information in our time, the Economic Culture Fund and UNESCO, Mexico, 508 p.

Wolton, Dominique (2000), Internet, what then?, Gedisa, Barcelona. C.

Non-binding that can read and use for their jobs if they see fit case

Rojo Villada, Peter (2004), "Pluralism and concentration in European market: EU proposals to combine the information market liberalization with social responsibility of the media. " In: Global Media Journal, Fall, year 1 vol. 2, Centre for Communication Research and Information, Monterrey, Mexico. Available online at: redalyc.uaemex.mx

Wolton, Dominique (2007), Thinking communication. Prometeo, Buenos Aires.

Castells, Manuel (1999). The information age. Vol 1. The network society. Mexico: Siglo XXI.

Hine, Christine. (1998) Virtual Ethnography. Barcelona: Ed UOC. Taylor, SJ & Bogdan, R.

Osorio, Carlos, "Approaches Technology from the CTS approaches. " In: Latin American Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation Society, Number 2 / January to April 2002. Ed Organization of Iberoamerican States for Education, Science and Culture, University of Valle, Colombia. Available online at: www.oei.es

Valle, Luis (2007) "Digital TV." In: Centre 5 - Cultural Industries of the City of Buenos Aires Cultural Industries Observatory of the City of Buenos Aires. Available online at: estatico.buenosaires.gov.ar

Albornoz, Luis (2006) Digital Journalism: the major newspapers on the Net Buenos Aires, the centerline.

Yours, Melissa (2001), "The thirteen tree roots." In Baquía, 22/03. Available online at: www.baquia.com

Himanen, Pekka (2002), "The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age." In: Destiny Books ISBN 950-732-033-6, Chapters 1, 4, 5 and Appendix. Available online at: www.educacionenvalores.org

Stallman, Richard (2006) "Why Software Should Be Free." In: Banish the thought, private property. Fundación Vía Libre Ed ISBN 987-22486-1-3. Available online at vwwv.vialibre.org.ar

Busaniche, Beatriz (2007), "Every thing in his name." In: Real artificial monopoly on Intangibles, Fundación Vía Libre ISBN 978-987-22486-2-8. Available online at: www.vialibre.org.ar

Lopez, Andrew and Daniel Ramos (2008), "The software industry and services. Argentina. trends, competitive factors and clusters. Preliminary study prepared for the project "Challenges and Opportunities of Software Industry in Brazil and Argentina." PEC B-107, FLACSO - IDRC. Available online at: www.fund-cenit.org.ar

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Red Dress Dancing On A Beach H

Bibliography Digital Agenda

ROLL (Network of Civil Society Organizations Digital Argentina) proposes the construction of a digital agenda to bridge the digital divide in the Knowledge Society. In turn, promotes the development of a knowledge society-oriented integrated development, social, political, economic and humans in Argentina, understood as a company whose motor development is the generation, use and equitable use of knowledge by of all social sectors. A society in which knowledge-based services comprise the core structure of the new economy, and in which information and knowledge through networks facilitated by the flow of information and communication technologies (ICTs), constituting a factor integral development for the whole of society.

medium-term objectives

  • Build Events to reflect and make proposals on the process of the World Summit on Information Society and the period after it. Ensure

  • WSIS thematic diversity to encompass instances and dimensions of the SI in all its complexity. Implement

  • Observatory of the Information Society in Argentina
    Agree recommendations to policymakers and strategies of the Information Society. Constitute

  • interlocutor for the state as refers to strategies and policies for the Information Society.

  • To be a proactive agent to defend the interests of Argentina Civil Society at the regional and international bodies dealing with Information Society.

  • Write and publish documents on the state of development of different areas of the Information Society. Generate

  • studies and projects on various theoretical and practical aspects of the Information Society.

  • summon the various Civil Society organizations built around ICT to discuss and establish positions on these issues and strengthen the civil sector strategies.

The full document is available on the websites of the respective institutions: Argentina CABASE Camera Database and www.cabase.org.ar Satellite Services. CESSI Chamber of Software and Computer Services www.cessi.org.ar. CICOMRA Chamber of Information and Communications of Argentina www.cicomra.org.ar. ROLL Digital NGOs Network of Argentina www.rodargentina.net (Download paper here)

www.rodaragentina.net ; www.agendadigitalargentina.wordpress.com

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Altair's Hidden Blade Blueprint

Introduction to the final process to the flap. By Guillermo Horacio Gerarduzzi



Saturday, February 28, 2009

Quickbooks How To Find Product

UML exercises: Exercises

Management reviews

Teachers Course Database of a faculty decided to create a database containing information on the results of the tests to students. To make the design
know that:
• Students are defined by their No registration, name and the group attending class.
· These students perform two types of tests throughout the academic year:
1. Exams written: Each student makes several along the way, and are defined by the No review, the number of questions that make up and the date of issue (the same for all students taking the same test). Obviously it is important to store the note of each student for review.
2. Practice: performed an unspecified number of them during the academic year, some will be in groups and other individuals. Defined by a code of practice, title, and the degree of difficulty. In this case the students can be examined from any practice whenever they want, debiéndose store the date and grade obtained. If the practice has taken place in the group, all students in a same group get the same note on the practice.
• In terms of teachers, just want to know (other than your personal data (ID and name), who designed what, every practice, knowing that the design of a practice may work more than one and one teacher can design more than a practice. interesting, also the date on which each practice has been designed by the teacher concerned.

Car Dealer

A car dealer wants to computerize the management of vehicle sales. In particular they have cached information regard to customers who buy at the dealership, vehicles sold, as well as vendors that perform the various sales.
This should take into account the following points:
• The dealer has a catalog of vehicles described by make, model, engine capacity and price.
• Each one of the models have some additional options (air conditioning, metallic paint, etc.). The options are defined by a name and description. Keep in mind that an option may be common to several models varying only the price in each case.
• In terms of customers, relevant information is the name, ID number, address and telephone, as well as for sellers.
Customers will be giving your used car when buying a new vehicle. The car used is defined by make, model, registration and appraisal price. It is important to know the date on which the client performs this assignment.
· We want to know which vendor has sold what model to which client. Also the date of sale and registration of new vehicle and, if appropriate, the license plate used as part payment delivered. It is likewise important to know the options that the client has chosen for the model you purchase.

Summer Camps

camp organizers Summer asked us to design a database to collect data from the camp next summer. We talked to them, and we obtained the following specifications: The camp
accommodate children between 10 and 14 years. Each child interested in attending will open a registration form which contains your name, age, address, parents name a contact number and who is studying education (primary or ESO).
When summer arrives, the children who are enrolled in primary school will be housed in cabins while children are enrolled ESO will be staying in tents. These tents and cabins have different numbers of seats. In addition, once you close the registration period will be teams of children to perform in a team the activities in the camp.
A activity of a group will be guided by a monitor. To this end, the camp has a group of monitors and a set of planned activities so that each group will never repeat business, monitor the same activity will never lead to two different groups and a group two activities will never make the same monitor.
When the date is fixed early in camp organizers will contact the monitors to communicate together with activities to develop and that groups have to develop them. Also at this time will be announced from lists obtained from the database and to indicate for each child, the group has been assigned and the tent or hut in which they hosted.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Planet Pinball On Funbrain

Betty Poetry Fantini


Sun Plaza. Green. Chrysanthemums

everywhere. Campos


dusty streets of the summer.


beloved Village. Birds

of pink flooded the road.

And in the evening on the river

Flocks of ducks and ibises,

tuyangos Far away ...

In trees, branches dotted with bruises. Flocks

swiftly moving away, Partridge

rising whistling as we passed. Cock


Hares in crazy night race
bizcachas. Teru teru

The rampage is hiding its nest.

The aromitos bloom. All nature

dunk over you like a blanket.

no longer your visitor Sunday
Having found the curve of your church belfry.

His last Sunday, God wanted

Where was there was happy,

Enjoying in your fields.

For once, the flowers were his enthusiasm.

He chose them.

The Cayastacito chose from.

Goralski, Lazzaroni, Bengochea,

many fields will keep his footsteps!

El Tigre, The Lions.

Her figure reflected in the gaps. Miro

far to walk slow Here comes

With his gun discharged.

A bunch of partridges

Bonelli In
tied to his waist
The sun goes ...

So God intended it ...



cock in the stream water

Sun and off ...

Cayastacito: Our

family loves you.


We absence linking to you The heart

overwhelms us!

In memory of Daniel Guillermo Velasquez (Black or Nene) for whom the town was a balm Cayastacito. Betty



Writers Circle Paivenses