Sunday, February 24, 2008

Catherizations And Inguinal Hernias


Andan English businessmen confused and concerned about the implementation of the legislation on personal data protection, Data Protection Act-(read on pg. 41 of elEconomista of 22/02/2008), and no wonder, since the internal or external audit, the deadlines for cancellation of the data and, above all, the increased penalties imposed by the English Data Protection Agency Morrocotudo data and economic costs aggregating foreshadow developments in security, create hesitation and anxiety.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Where To Buy Double Finger Rings

Anxiety A little quieter? Audit

The current controversy with the English legislation on data protection has moved me to my childhood. When I was in school, we visited the first concerted Data Processing Centre of the former Caja de Ahorros de Ronda (merged with other Andalusian financial institutions to establish Unicaja), of course, in Ronda (Spain), at headquarters (later moved to a building in the suburbs). I was shocked to see so many "computers", hulking machines with big eyes that did not stop spinning. Also, I was impressed by punch cards and printers similar to the one pictured on the left (source Wikipedia), especially the large number of data accumulated in this sanctuary of information. Breathed a rare air, maybe the heat from the engine, perhaps the cold of the rudimentary conditioning, perhaps smell of paper, perhaps the white robes of the users I do not know. Who controlled the legal and appropriate use of these data? How legally regulating the treatment of such information? What assurances of confidentiality existed? I suppose there would be little law. I imagine that the whole shebang would be based on customers' confidence in the "best practices" of its "Pawnshop".
Returning to the current reality, it seems that the late arrival of the regulation implementing the Data Protection Act English has increased the avalanche of reproaches between the companies most affected by those set out in the text (read from the page. 41, elEconomista of 02.01.2008). We have spoken on this site on the subject (see
search ). Several business organizations have expressed their disagreement and the possibility of appeals against the rules, alleged to contain serious flaws, contrary to both the Data Protection Act and Directive of the European Union. However, many SMEs can "breathe a little easier?, Since the new regulation appears that will not require to register the files that are restricted to enter data for legal or natural persons providing services in business, provided that data from the contact person is limited to full name, title, address or email and telephone and fax number of professionals. But I have my doubts. For example, when talking about the phone: You mean the fixed and also includes the mobile professional? Another question: To bill inevitably will need the CIF or NIF my client, then: Do I have to register the file? And so, a chain of lakes reasonable.