Sunday, May 22, 2011

Best Beginner Rackets

"Dot to Dot ..."

Xiquet Hello!

you remember when I showed this ????... dots cushion HERE

Pinpoint hand embroidery in different ways, with thread 8 on linen.

For now we are reaping the harvest ...
... look a few of which we have done in class ...

combining colors ...

the same tone ...

Colorines ...

Almost like mine ....

green ... I want you green

and blue ... adorned with pearl buttons ..

and you think this purple ?.... yeah, yeah that's dumb ... lol ... Espabila

All the same, but all different ... a small sample of many who have done ... and I have some great students!

For me I like mine ... ainsss garnets, is that I love so much ...

What? you urge one to do? ...
ataqueeeee Ale to .... well ... lol.
you soon

Monday, May 16, 2011

Examples Of Confidentiality Clauses


Exercise 1: Car Sales

Make the class diagram for the following system. This is a company selling used cars with the following: The cars are supplied by different suppliers, we want to know the make, model, registration, purchase price, sale. Cars can be for tourism, industrial and SUVs. They may also need to be repaired, so it must have control of the repairs made, which may be mechanical, electrical or sheet metal. In the company there are two types of vendors, employees and commission. Of employees we want to know also the wage and commitment that go with cars that were sold. You have control of both the customers who bought a car, as well as those interested in some kind of car you can make a reservation. Cars can be at different exposures, and we always know where each car. Operations are needed to make a sale of a car, to repair cars that need to buy new cars suppliers, etc. Also interested in having us back operations which customer bought a car, which made car listings that are in stock at any given time.

Exercise 2: College tuition

Get the conceptual model of a system that manages the enrollment of students in a university. A person is characterized by its CI, name, address and marital status, and it can become a student to register as such at the university.

As a student may enroll in the courses taught at the university, which will have a code, a name, a responsible teacher and a course assignment. Once enrolled, the student will receive a scholarship and in his new capacity as fellow will be assigned a new code and know the amount of the same, end the course, the scholar status will end. Once the student enrolls, whether you receive scholarship or not, should be examined in the subjects in which he is enrolled until the end of the course and then re-enroll or leave the university and this is still a student. In addition, it is desirable to have a range of applications such as discharge to new people and subjects, conducting student enrollment in courses, record the grades of students to examine any subject in which they are enrolled and a series of listings such as those enrolled in a subject, the subjects in which a student is enrolled and the list of notes by subjects (minutes).

class diagram also asked to identify the use case diagram concerned.

Exercise 3: Veterinary Clinic

A veterinarian has the animal patients and families as clients. A client is a group of people that usually correspond with a family. Each client has a code, the last name of head of household, bank account number, address, telephone and the names and CI of the persons concerned. There is no limit on the number of persons associated with a client entity. In addition, a person may be discharged on multiple clients (eg a man who lives with his wife has a cat and as such belongs to a client, but is registered in the client associated with the dog of your parents.)

Customers can have multiple pets, each pet has a code, an alias, a species, race, hair color, approximate date of birth, average weight of the animal in its last 10 visits and the actual weight of the animal. Also, keep a chart with each disease and the date was that sick. Additionally, each pet has a vaccination schedule, which will record the date of each vaccine and the disease are vaccinated.

Exercise 4: CD-ROMs Vacation

Is a company dedicated to rent audio CD-ROMs. This company has a local customer service which displays the covers of the most popular CDs and the latest developments, but there are paper listings of all titles that could be rented. When a client requests a certificate, copies of checks for free and if there are problems with individuals not returned the lease is done, there is a record of the date of hire and delivery deadline, so that when the customer returns the copy we can check if you have to impose a sanction. Each client can request a list of the CDs you have rented previously.

In addition to the class diagram, identify and propose the use case diagram associated with the proposed system, assume two actors: client and manager.

Denise Milani Safe For Home


Xiquet Hello!

the seam is definitely fashionable! ... Is more than most ...

look lately and if they think advertisers when they need to campaign for the draw ... remember the video of the ONCE for mother's day ... u can see HERE

and now look on the say, coupons or whatever you want to say the draw of the golden RED CROSS.

All characters are stitched with felt and thousands of stitches ...

I think they are fantastic and very originales.Enhorabuena to Grow Communication.

I and I have mine and you?

you soon ....


Friday, May 13, 2011

Best Foundations To Disguise Redness

Xiquet Hello!

I think many times we've seen this blanket ,

each new made in my class I still love ...

And that with these Telitas ...

Summer is the collection time Friends of Lynette Anderson to Leci

... and do not know which I like all ...

The bears have been ... sweet, sweet ...

All sewn and hand quilted ...

... you know is in this book .. it is filled with thousands of little things to make bears .

you soon .....

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Funnykoozie Wedding Sayings


Xiquet Hello!

How things have changed ...

... weddings today are not what they used to be traditional ...

... in many, are engaged and with child and all.

why not stop being BEAUTIFUL!

... and can give little details as nice as this,

Jesica it has done to his friends ...

... so ... LONG LIVE THE WEDDING !...( and their children! ... Hahaha.)

you soon ...
