Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sudden Onset Red Palms

do and what not in a TS

The following work was performed by a aumna in 2008. Work is good, but using too many quotes and does not explain with words, the same applies when talking about the theory. While providing the look and concepts that were explained there is a loaded text of Quotations. This work was
would lack captions, the more interpretation, more related to other authors such as Williams, for example. TS
In calling a close relationship with authors and personal interpretation.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ho Scale Sonic Drive In


then have the sub-allocation table that provided the chair . Each student, once you complete your registration on the official website of the Chair in particular sub-item will then need to relate to the financial crisis and the relevant literature.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Oovoo Doesnt Recognize Camera

History of Communication, Raymond Williams

Here are the complete book of Raymond Williams.
IMPORTANT: CHAPTER TO READ IS THE 4 (FOUR) whose pages are from 182 to 210.

History of Communication

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cartoon Maxine And Good Health

Conversations, Gilles Deleuze

Deleuze Postscript Soc Contro

What Can I Put On A Brizillian

Style Manual

Style Manual

How To Fix Ptosis In Adults No Surgery

Evolution of ICT and its impact on leisure

Here you can read a report from Gabriel Mateu on the evolution of Information Technology and Communications. Tics Evolution
Mateu 20081

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

List Combination Calculator

then let them literature of matter.
Disclaimer: The links it to appear are short and redirect directly to the site where the item.
If you want to see the full link must press the right mouse button on the link and click on properties.

a. Compulsory literature:

Albornoz, Luis (2003), "The press on line: greater pluralism with questions" in Bustamante, Enrique (coord), Towards a new global communication system. Cultural industries in the digital age, Gedisa, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bp. 111-138.

Becerra, Martin (2000), "From divergence to convergence in society Informational: strengths and weaknesses of an unfinished social process "in Zer No. 8, Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, p. 93-112.

Beltran, Ricardo (2007) "The risk of discriminatory Internet," in Centre 5 - Cultural Industries of the City of Buenos Aires Cultural Industries Observatory of the City of Buenos Aires, the City Government of Buenos Aires. Available online at:

Busaniche, Beatriz (2005), "Ideas and things: the wealth of ideas and the dangers of polización", in: A Patented world? The privatization of life and knowledge, Heinrich Böll Foundation, El Salvador, p. 68-82. Available in

Bustamante, Enrique (2003), "Digital television: very national globalization process," in Bustamante, Enrique (coord), Towards a new global communication system. Cultural industries in the digital age, Gedisa, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bp. 167-206.

Castells, Manuel (1995), The informational city: information technology, economic restructuring and urban-regional process, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 504 p (mainly Introduction and Chapter 1).

Chaparro Enrique (2004), "The" government "of the Internet", mimeo, Fundacion Via Libre, Buenos Aires, published in

World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) (2004 ) Declaration of Principles: Building the Information Society: a global challenge for the new millennium, Geneva, mimeo, paper WSIS-03/GENEVA/4-S, 10 p.

Flichy, Patrice (1993), A history of modern communication: The public and private life, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b260 p.

Heinz, Federico (2007) "Free Software and proprietary software," in Artificial monopolies on goods Intangibles, Buenos Aires, Fundación Vía Libre. Available online at:

Katz, Claudio (1998), "The tangle of networks," in Voices and Cultures No. 14, Voices and Cultures, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bp. 123-140. Available in

Kurbalija, Jovan and Eduardo Gelbstein (2005), Internet Governance: Issues, actors and gaps, DiploFoundation and Global Knowledge Society Publishers, Malta, 160 p. Available in

Lessig, Lawrence (1998), Laws of Cyberspace, Taiwan Net '98 conference, mimeo, Taipei, published in
William and Carolina Aguerre (2007), "Many problems, few voices. The regulation of communication in the XXI century ", Political enDiálogo Year XXIV - No. 3, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung AC, available at

Maldonado, Thomas (2007), Memory and Knowledge: on destinations in the perspective of knowledge digial, Gedisa, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b311 p. Chapter 2: Talking, writing, reading.

Mattelart, Armand (2002), History of the Information Society, Polity Press, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b193 p. Chapter 6: The global information society: a geopolitical stake.

Miguel de Bustos, Juan (2004), "Cultural industries: internet, finance, free, prices" Crovi Druetta, Delia (ed.), Information Society and Knowledge: Between false and what is possible, the hull, Buenos Aires, p. 25-298.

Nora, Simon and Alain Minc (1980), Computerization of society, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 244 p.

Punie, Yves, Jean-Claude Burgelman, Marc Bogdnowicz (2002), "The future of media industries, factors of change and possible scenarios for 2005 and beyond," in Telos magazine No 53, October-December, Fundación Telefónica , Madrid, p. 101-111.

Siri Laura (2008), "How much information is in the world?" In Wire: information, communication, culture No. 1 (March 2008), Bueos Aires. Available in

Smies, Joost (2006), A world without copyright, arts and media in globalization, Gedisa, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b383 p. Chapter 7, "A rule in favor of cultural diversity"

WSIS Civil Society (2003), "Building Information socidades that meet human needs, civil society statement to the World Summit on the Information Society Information, Geneva, mimeo, 27 p.

Stallman, Richard (2005), "The GNU project" and in: A World patented? The privatization of life and conocimieto, Heinrich Böll Foundation, El Salvador, p. 160-177. Available in

Williams, Raymond (ed), History of communication, editorial Bosch, Barcelona. p. 182-210. Available in

b. Optional literature:

Azpiazu, Daniel, Eduardo Basualdo and Nochteff Hugo (1988), The technological revolution and hegemonic policies, Legasa, Buenos Aires, 278 p.

Azpillaga, Patxi, Juan Carlos Miguel and Ramon Zallo (1998), "The cultural industries in the informational economy. Evolution of its working and recovery "in Mastrini William and César Bolaño (1999), Globalization and communication monopolies in Latin America, Biblos, Buenos Aires, p. 61-81.

Becerra, Martin (2003), The Information Society: project, convergence, divergence, Editorial Norma, Buenos Aires, 153 p. Online at Dsicponible

Bustamante, Enrique (2002, "New Frontiers of public service and its role in the global public space" in Beneyto Vidal, José (ed.), The global window, Taurus , Madrid, p. 181-193.

Castells, Manuel (1997), The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Vol 1: The network society, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 590 p.

European Commission (1994), Europe and the global information society (Bangemann Report), Recommendations to the European Council, European Commission, Brussels, 35 p.

European Commission (1997), Green Paper on the convergence of telecommunications, media and information technologies and their implications for regulation in the context of the Information Society, European Commission, Brussels, 45 p.

De Charro Diego (2006), Networks, bubbles and promises. Prometeo, Buenos Aires.

Ford, Hannibal (1999), The mark of the beast. Identification, inequalities and infotainment in contemporary society, Norma, Buenos Aires, 322 p.

García Canclini, Néstor (2004), different, disparate and disconnected: maps of multiculturalism, Gedisa, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b223 p.

García Canclini, Néstor (2001), "Why legislate on cultural industries in New Society No 175, Nueva Sociedad, Caracas.

Mariño, Miguel (2005), "New forms of work organization in the media: Utopia or Reality "in Trípodos (Extra 2005): The digital utopia in the media: from discourses to facts. A balance, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bp. 611-622.

Mattelart, Armand (1998), The globalization of communication, Polity Press, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b127 p.

McChesney, Robert (2002), "Political Economy of the media and information industries in a globalized world", in Beneyto Vidal, Joseph (director), the global window, Taurus, Madrid, p. 233-247.

Mosco, Vincent. (1986), electronic Fantasies, Polity Press, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b253 p.

Palomino, Hector (2000), "Labour and social theory: classical concepts and contemporary trends", Paper presented at the conference ALAST, mimeo, Buenos Aires, 30 p.

UNESCO (1980), One World, Many Voices. Communication and information in our time, the Economic Culture Fund and UNESCO, Mexico, 508 p.

Wolton, Dominique (2000), Internet, what then?, Gedisa, Barcelona. C.

Non-binding that can read and use for their jobs if they see fit case

Rojo Villada, Peter (2004), "Pluralism and concentration in European market: EU proposals to combine the information market liberalization with social responsibility of the media. " In: Global Media Journal, Fall, year 1 vol. 2, Centre for Communication Research and Information, Monterrey, Mexico. Available online at:

Wolton, Dominique (2007), Thinking communication. Prometeo, Buenos Aires.

Castells, Manuel (1999). The information age. Vol 1. The network society. Mexico: Siglo XXI.

Hine, Christine. (1998) Virtual Ethnography. Barcelona: Ed UOC. Taylor, SJ & Bogdan, R.

Osorio, Carlos, "Approaches Technology from the CTS approaches. " In: Latin American Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation Society, Number 2 / January to April 2002. Ed Organization of Iberoamerican States for Education, Science and Culture, University of Valle, Colombia. Available online at:

Valle, Luis (2007) "Digital TV." In: Centre 5 - Cultural Industries of the City of Buenos Aires Cultural Industries Observatory of the City of Buenos Aires. Available online at:

Albornoz, Luis (2006) Digital Journalism: the major newspapers on the Net Buenos Aires, the centerline.

Yours, Melissa (2001), "The thirteen tree roots." In Baquía, 22/03. Available online at:

Himanen, Pekka (2002), "The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age." In: Destiny Books ISBN 950-732-033-6, Chapters 1, 4, 5 and Appendix. Available online at:

Stallman, Richard (2006) "Why Software Should Be Free." In: Banish the thought, private property. Fundación Vía Libre Ed ISBN 987-22486-1-3. Available online at

Busaniche, Beatriz (2007), "Every thing in his name." In: Real artificial monopoly on Intangibles, Fundación Vía Libre ISBN 978-987-22486-2-8. Available online at:

Lopez, Andrew and Daniel Ramos (2008), "The software industry and services. Argentina. trends, competitive factors and clusters. Preliminary study prepared for the project "Challenges and Opportunities of Software Industry in Brazil and Argentina." PEC B-107, FLACSO - IDRC. Available online at:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Red Dress Dancing On A Beach H

Bibliography Digital Agenda

ROLL (Network of Civil Society Organizations Digital Argentina) proposes the construction of a digital agenda to bridge the digital divide in the Knowledge Society. In turn, promotes the development of a knowledge society-oriented integrated development, social, political, economic and humans in Argentina, understood as a company whose motor development is the generation, use and equitable use of knowledge by of all social sectors. A society in which knowledge-based services comprise the core structure of the new economy, and in which information and knowledge through networks facilitated by the flow of information and communication technologies (ICTs), constituting a factor integral development for the whole of society.

medium-term objectives

  • Build Events to reflect and make proposals on the process of the World Summit on Information Society and the period after it. Ensure

  • WSIS thematic diversity to encompass instances and dimensions of the SI in all its complexity. Implement

  • Observatory of the Information Society in Argentina
    Agree recommendations to policymakers and strategies of the Information Society. Constitute

  • interlocutor for the state as refers to strategies and policies for the Information Society.

  • To be a proactive agent to defend the interests of Argentina Civil Society at the regional and international bodies dealing with Information Society.

  • Write and publish documents on the state of development of different areas of the Information Society. Generate

  • studies and projects on various theoretical and practical aspects of the Information Society.

  • summon the various Civil Society organizations built around ICT to discuss and establish positions on these issues and strengthen the civil sector strategies.

The full document is available on the websites of the respective institutions: Argentina CABASE Camera Database and Satellite Services. CESSI Chamber of Software and Computer Services CICOMRA Chamber of Information and Communications of Argentina ROLL Digital NGOs Network of Argentina (Download paper here)

Sources: ;